What is the single, most important skill that everybody needs to learn?
And what if I told you it is completely free and anybody could practice it?
Can you guess it? No?
The answer is TIME!
Just think about it for a second, time management is the ultimate skill that can completely change your life for good.
And I am not even suggesting you to learn scheduling, journaling or any other time management trick. I am talking about creating extra time from those 24 hours that we all got! Confused?
You can create a lot of time for yourself, out of thin air just by following this one advice.
Have you ever heard the popular story of Aladin? from the Arabian Nights? And how he found a genie and was granted 3 wishes? Any wishes? If not just google it, read it(or maybe watch it) and come back here.
Anyway, I always thought why he(or anyone who got the lamp and genie) never asked the genie to extend the quota of wishes infinitely as their very first wish? I am sure many of you might have thought about this.
So, what am I actually suggesting? I don’t know the reason why we only get 3 wishes and can not get even a single extra wish granted but the trick, the skill I am suggesting here is like getting those extra wishes granted!
Okay, enough of small talk. Let’s get straight to the agenda, the magic skill I promised in the starting of the article.
The almighty skill is joining the “5 AM Club“. That’s it. I have said it. By joining the club, I meant practicing to wake up at 5 AM daily for the rest of your lives.
Feel cheated? Humiliated? How can sleeping and waking even be considered a skill let alone call it the most important skill?
Well, it is important and it is difficult if you ask me. And as per my honest opinion, this is the best quarantine time upgrade to your lives, if applied properly.
I am talking about an addition of extra 3-6 hours of prime time in your lives considering your current lifestyle.
You can utilize this time to bend the world to your will!
First, you get the time to exercise that always somehow took the back seat in your busy life. I always tried to incorporate exercising in my schedule but always somehow managed to convince myself that health is secondary and I will do it later in life.
Then, you can add learning that actual skill that will help you do better at your job, or find a better job in your new-found morning hours.
And if you still have spare time left after exercising and upskilling yourself the next best use of your time will be to start reading books, articles, blogs, anything, related or unrelated to your work. It will add new dimensions to your world view.
And yeah, you can also start writing a small little blog, like I do if you feel writing gives you joy.
Conclusively, I can just say that time management is the must have skill in my opinion and may not matter much in your case but give it a try anyway.
I am challenging myself to start waking up at 5 daily, and have pledged to write a blog post daily for the next 15 days to keep myself engaged and not go back to sleep after killing the alarm. So, consider it an advice to plan beforehand an engaging task to keep you up!
Let’s see how I perform! Please share any comments, opinions or advice in the comments section below.
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